Archives: Speakers

Geovani de León
Geovani de León Ingeniero de Software en Pensotec @YovaFree in/geovani-de-leon Biografía Docente Universitario, Ingeniero de Software en con +7 años de experiencia en el área de análisis, desarrollo y arquitectura de software, en proyectos con entidades privadas y gubernamentales en Guatemala. Utilizando plataformas y tecnologías como ASP .NET, Entity Framework, Java, Spring Framework, Angular,...
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Victor Peñaloza
Victor Peñaloza Universidad Galileo @victor_sergio Biografía B. Sc. Ingeniería en Sistemas y Ciencias de la Computación, M. Sc. Redes y Bases de Datos. Profesor en el área de Deep Learning en Ingeniería en Sistemas, Universidad Galileo. Interés en la aplicación de modelos de Deep Learning. Modelos secuenciales y procesamiento de imágenes. Enlace a charlas en...
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Markus Ehrenmüller-Jensen
Markus Ehrenmüller-Jensen BI Architect @MEhrenmueller in/markus-ehrenmueller Biography Markus Ehrenmüller-Jensen is the founder of Savory Data and works as a project leader, data engineer and BI architect since 1994. He is an educated software-engineer, graduated business educator and professor for databases and project engineering at HTL Leonding (technical college) and certified as MCSE Data Platform...
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Mustafa Toroman
Mustafa Toroman Lead System Engineer, Solution Architect, Azure MVP @toromust in/mustafa-toroman Biography Mustafa Toroman is a program architect and lead system engineer with Authority Partners. With years of experience of designing and monitoring infrastructure solutions, lately, he focuses on designing new solutions in the cloud and migrating existing solutions to the cloud. He is...
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Aiko Klostermann
Aiko Klostermann Technology Consultant, Problemsolver & Troublemaker @ Thoughtworks @AikoPath Biography Aiko works as a consultant and developer for ThoughtWorks. He is passionate about data science, software craftsmanship, clean code, and infrastructure engineering. While working with clients he focusses on improving the development process and code quality of the teams he's working with. Nowadays...
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Marcelo Adade
Marcelo Adade Lead Database Consultant - Pythian @marceloadade in/marceloadade Biography Marcelo is a Microsoft Data Platform Lead Database Consultant at The Pythian Group. He has more than 15 years of experience in several Companies from different branches and sizes. Like financial companies, consultant shops, datacenters and e-commerce sites. Currently holds the MCSE, MCT and...
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Vitor Fava
Vitor Fava Microsoft Data Platform MVP @sqlservermaniac in/vitorfava/ Biography I'm a DBA with extensive experience in the areas of Database and Information Technology, working on planning, implementation and maintenance of large corporate database servers. I have several professional certifications and good experience in development activities and management of entrepreneurial environments using SQL SERVER. I'm...
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Vicente Suc
Vicente Suc People Apps - Software Consultant @vicentex360 in/vicentesuc Biography Ing. en sistemas , Consultor de software en Code Solution Network usando tecnologias JAVA y .NET Core. Miembro del grupo oficial de la comunidad de java de Guatemala y de la comunidad de SQL de Guatemala. Apasionado por los videojuegos, anime y el deporte. Enlace a...
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Sebastian Perez
Sebastian Perez Lead SRE at Invision @sebaleoperez in/sebastianperez Biography Senior .NET Developer, working in Blockchain for IOV Labs. Microsoft Azure MVP. Organizer of events as Xamarin Assemble, Xamarin Party and .NET Conf AR. Enlace a charlas en youtube Smart Contracts en Azure: Dapps en la Nube
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Luis Suarez
Luis Suárez Web Developer at R&R Partners @luchoster Biografía Front-End Developer based in Las Vegas, Former Professional Indoor Soccer player for the Las Vegas Legends and Indoor Guatemalan National team. Enlace a charlas en youtube Desarrollo Web con Gatsby, & Netlify
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